Afternoon trip

Approx. 2 hoursAbout 10 km24.80 € / adult, all inclusive

Our shortest itinerary gives everyone the chance to enjoy an afternoon canoeing in the midst of an outstanding natural setting.

The time indicated is the approximate paddle time for a canoe or kayak paddling at a steady but leisurely pace without stopping.

Perfect for:

  • Enjoying a trip which doesn’t require too much physical effort.
  • Going for a quick dip in the Ill.
  • Exploring the Illwald Nature Reserve.
  • Strolling through the meadows of the Ried.

Practical informations:

Itinerary:  Illhaeusern-Sélestat
Meeting point: Canoës du Ried nautical base (Sélestat)
Meeting time: 02.00 p.m
Formula type Upstream Formula
Launch site: Illhaeusern (GPS : 48.182337, 7.430193)
Landing site: Canoës du Ried nautical base (Sélestat)
Final arrival time: 5.45 p.m.

The plusses:

First part of the itinerary:

Illhaeusern-Illwald Forest

  • Pass through the picturesque village of Illhaeusern, with its typical Alsatian architecture.
  • Once past Illhaeusern: stay on the river Ill. The large river (straight ahead) will carry you right up to the Canoës du Ried nautical base.
  • Once you pass the sand river, you enter into Sélestat’s voluntary natural reserve (Illwald forest), where the Ill winds its way through an unspoilt natural setting, now and again shaded by the forest. There are two to three isles which are ideal stopping places for contemplating the surrounding natural environment.

Second part of the itinerary:

Illwald Forest-Canoës du Ried nautical base in Sélestat

  • After Illwald Forest, the trek continues through the picturesque meadows of the Ried.
  • At level B10 you will have the choice between passing small doors in whitewater (quite technical) or to carry your canoe and reach the river after the obstacles
  • The stretch of water (the Grossschlucht) which takes you to the Canoës du Ried nautical base is quite shallow.
Places availablePlaces subject to availabilityNo vacanciesClosed
Price per person (all taxes included)
Proposed logistical support, decreasing rate of chargesAdults*Navigating minors (12-17)**Non navigating minors (7-11)***
All inclusive

Includes transportation of the canoes and people (all of the group).

24.8 €11 €6.2 €

Persons over the age of majority.

**Navigating minors (12-17):

Minor from 12 to 17 years old or Minor 7-11 years old placed in an active position (2-seater canoe with an adult)
(Warning: minors must be accompanied by their legal guardian, a young minor in an active position assumes a previous practice of Canadian canoeing).
This pricing does not apply to groups composed mainly of young people whose pricing is on estimate.

***Non navigating minors (7-11):

Minor from 7 to 11 years placed in the middle of a canoe of 3 or 4 places.
(Attention: minors must be accompanied by their legal guardian)
This pricing does not apply to groups composed mainly of young people whose pricing is on estimate.