How to book?

The reservation is made only online via ourReservation form .
The online reservation request has several advantages:

  • Our booking module is based on the availability of our services (excluding options) updated every 30 minutes
  • It collects detailed information
  • It allows a simplified processing of reservations

Online payment?

Our online reservations are requests and are not subject to online payment. A deposit payment may be made as part of the validation of a Group or Mixed reservation See the part on the deposit
Once received, it is processed by a detailed email which calls for a response from the customer by email in order to validate his reservation request. Except for group or mixed reservations, payment is made on the day of the service Methods of payment accepted

Some notions

  • The reference contact corresponds to the person who made the reservation and exchanged with us. Being the most informed person of the planned service, registration, payment for the service will be made by this person on the day of the service.
    Without the reference contact person on the day of the service, we do not start registration and equipment of the participants present
  • The final team corresponds to the number of places reserved. This number is not subject to change on the day of the service. Even after the deadline, it is preferable to inform us of changes in the workforce. See  Cancellation Memento .
  • Deposit Sum defined by the edition of an estimate or by the service provider whose payment is compulsory to validate a reservation (concerns group or mixed reservations) Do we have to pay a deposit to validate our reservation?

Information to be transmitted

  • The number of participants transmitted corresponds to equipment loaded on our trailers: Upstream Formula
  • In the presence of minors, send us their age, weight and height. For what? So that we can define the suitable material and prepare it. As part of an Upstream Formula , the equipment is already loaded on our trailers when you come.
  • As part of a reservation with a gift voucher, a Smartbox or a Wonderbox , send us the numbers.
  • Even when the reservation is finalised, you must inform us of the changes See change of staff .

Do we have to know how to swim?

Yes, it is compulsory for all participants to know how to swim 25m and to immerse themselves . The vests provided, which must be worn, are a “buoyancy aid”, but do not replace the required capacities mentioned above.

Some audiences are subject to mandatory supervision : Find out more

Can we sail with a child?

All minors must be accompanied by their legal guardians, be over 7 years old, able to swim and immerse themselves (cumulative criteria)

If minors are accompanied by their legal guardians, 2 categories are to be distinguished:

  • Non-navigating minors (7 – 11 years old) who will still have a paddle but will be placed in the middle of a 3 or 4-seater canoe supervised by 2 adults.
  • Navigating minors (12 – 17 years old) or non-navigating minors (7 – 11 years old) supervised by a single adult in a 2-seater canoe. In the case of navigation with a non-navigating minor (7 – 11 years old) supervised by an adult in a 2-seater canoe, 2 recommendations:
    – Choose a half-day ballad formula: the Morning trip or the Afternoon trip .
    – Have already practiced Canadian canoeing.

How to dress ?

For optimal comfort:

  • Light clothing that dries quickly (sports materials).
  • Closed shoes during your ride. Depending on the weather, don’t forget sun protection (creams, corded glasses, hats, etc.) as well as sweatshirts and windbreakers.

Consult our Navigation Recommendations.

Can we stop anywhere?

GraveloGravelo disturb

  • No, depending on the period, in particular from May to the beginning of July, certain nesting areas are prohibited from landing and are in principle indicated by these signs.
  • Throughout the season, landings must be carried out with precaution and limited to the areas close to the river, in particular on the gravel banks.
  • Navigation is subject to compliance with our Canoes Chartercertain behaviors are no longer possible: navigating with music, navigation oriented towards alcohol consumption….

Can I sail with my dog?

Yes, dogs are accepted under conditions of belonging to a swimmer breed:

  • They must be on a leash on the “Canoes du Ried” site (presence of animals on the site) and when disembarking while sailing (presence of wildlife
  • Conversely, when sailing, your dog should not be equipped with either a harness, a collar or a leash to prevent any risk of drowning of the animal which could get stuck in low branches in the event of fall in the river. This therefore assumes the master’s ability to navigate with a loose dog.
  • Attention, following various abuses, dogs are no longer accepted for overnight stays.
  • Attention, young dogs (less than 1 year old) are not accepted, high risk of drowning.

Do we have to pay a deposit to validate a reservation?

Only reservations called “Groups” or “mixed” are concerned by a validation by the payment of the deposit:

  • Group reservations are processed by issuing an estimate, for more information, consult the Groups FAQ and the Groups Manual .
  • Mixed reservations (canoe services with Indian camp option in particular) are processed by issuing an estimate, for more information, consult the Mixed Manual .

When the reservation is subject to the deposit, what is its treatment?

The deposit is only deposited in the context of a “Group” Reservation or a “Mixed” Reservation .

The deposit is intended to validate the reservations in question following numerous reservation abuses.

Their processing corresponds to the Cancellation Memento . The main lines are that the deposit is not refundable but may be subject under certain conditions to an assignment on a postponement date.

The objective of the deposit is not to collect sums without providing services, but to ensure that the service requested is real.

Do we have to deposit bonds?

The deposits, to be deposited in the form of a bank imprint (pre-authorization) are deposited during the inventory of fixtures at the entrance to the Indian camp zones.

The deposits currently only concern the Indian camps and certain event services. Navigation itself is not subject to the deposit for nautical equipment.

The amounts:

What happens in the event of breakage or loss of the “rented” equipment?

The equipment provided to customers during canoe trips is placed under his care.
Placed in its custody means that the customer is responsible for the breakage or loss of the equipment during its use.
In case of breakage or loss, it is preferable to report it to us in good faith so that we can discuss the incident and stop the follow-up.

Lost or broken equipment must be reimbursed, our objective not being to sell equipment (invoiced therefore at cost price), these rare occurrences during a season very often depend on the circumstances.

Some amounts:
Single paddle: €25 / Double paddle: €35 / 55l cans: €65 / Life jackets: €65 / Canadian canoe: €990 / Canoe Kayak: €550 / Unjustified shuttle: Hourly rate applicable.

Concerning the Indian camps, the other infrastructures, the rental contracts recall, the lump sums in the event of breakage or degradation.

Can I cancel my outing due to rain?

The “canoe” activity is a nature activity subject to weather hazards, in principle, only dangerous weather (high winds, violent storms or dangerous water level) whose qualification falls within our exclusive competence can justify a cancellation of the service on same day. We have a daily follow-up of the meteorological orientations in order to ensure safety during our services.

A simple rain the same day does not justify a cancellation because this hazard belongs to the activity. There are nevertheless 2 types of reservations to differentiate:

  • Group Reservations , subject to the deposit of a deposit, mobilizing a lot of availability and means of which only the postponement is possible subject to respecting the Cancellation Memento .
  • Classic Reservations whose treatment is more flexible but nevertheless requires informing us (see Cancellation Memento ).

The difficulties of a cloudy weather are multiple:

  • Center Alsace benefits from a very changeable microclimate
  • Cloudy weather for one audience is pleasant weather for another

In any case, if in doubt, send us a return to the email processing your request to inform us in advance of your positioning.

What is the notice to cancel?

The cancellation, so that it is not abusive, must make it possible to be able to mobilize the new availabilities again. Again, this will depend on the Groups or Classics booking type .

Find out more: Cancellation Memento

What happens if my team voluntarily arrives after the imperative final time?

Our services are defined according to schedules that allow:

  • Optimal logistics organization
  • An organization of the schedule of our staff
  • Organization of the cleaning and maintenance of our equipment

The end time requirements are calculated according to the routes and allow navigation with break times, delays on these requirements are often due to:

  • Abuse in taking breaks
  • Voluntary non-compliance with schedules
  • Rarely due to real difficulties on the river

Consequently, following successive abuses, EURL Tib’tourisme has decided to charge for any unjustified and voluntary delay on the imperative return schedule.