Full day Trek – Colmar-Sélestat

Approx. 5 hAbout 25 km33,80 € / adult, all inclusive

This itinerary, designed to last a full day, will allow you to fully appreciate the lush and varied landscapes of the Grand Ried, from Colmar to Sélestat.

The time indicated is the approximate paddle time for a canoe or kayak paddling at a steady but leisurely pace without stopping.

Perfect for:

  • Enjoying a change of scenery along a varied route.
  • Fully appreciating the splendour of the Grand Ried.
  • Having a picnic in breathtaking surroundings.
  • Living an amazing experience.

Practical informations:

Itinerary:  Colmar-Sélestat
Meeting point: Canoës du Ried nautical base (Sélestat)
Meeting time: 08.00 a.m
Formula type Upstream Formula
Launch site: Colmar, Allée du Ladhof (GPS: 48.093843,7.383059)
Landing site: Canoës du Ried nautical base (Sélestat)
Final arrival time: 04.45 p.m.

The plusses:

  • You can stop regularly to swim, walk and picnic, or to have lunch in our partner restaurants
  • Enjoy a large variety of landscapes.

First part of the itinerary:

Colmar-Maison Rouge / 10 km (2 hours) on a stretch of the Ill which flows through a canal.

Four weirs to get past:

  • The first one at the launch site is a large toboggan (B0).
  • You can get past the second one by taking the cascade to the right of the weir (B1).
  • The third one requires a 10 m portage in the centre of the weir (B2).
  • The fourth one, at Maison Rouge, must be portaged over a meadow to the left of the weir (B3, it is possible to slide the boats).

Second part of the itinerary:

Maison Rouge-Illhaeusern-Sélestat / 15 km (3 hours) on the untamed section of the Ill

  • Enter the meanders of Maison Rouge, characterised by gravel beaches (wagtails’ nesting ground) and steep soil banks (kingfishers’ nesting ground).
  • The next section of the route takes you through Illhaeusern where you can stop for lunch our partner Restaurant partenaire
  • There’s a short stretch through the Illwald (a forest in the Ried’s voluntary nature reserve, in Sélestat).
  • The unspoilt meadows of the Ried provide the scenic backdrop for this stretch of the route
  • At level B10 you will have the choice between passing small doors in whitewater (quite technical) or to carry your canoe and reach the river after the obstacles
  • Landing site: Canoës du Ried nautical base in Sélestat.
Places availablePlaces subject to availabilityNo vacanciesClosed
Price per person (all taxes included)
Proposed logistical support, decreasing rate of chargesAdults*Navigating minors (12-17)**Non navigating minors (7-11)***
All inclusive

Includes transportation of the canoes and people (all of the group).

33.8 €16.9 €8.45 €

Persons over the age of majority.

**Navigating minors (12-17):

Minor from 12 to 17 years old or Minor 7-11 years old placed in an active position (2-seater canoe with an adult)
(Warning: minors must be accompanied by their legal guardian, a young minor in an active position assumes a previous practice of Canadian canoeing).
This pricing does not apply to groups composed mainly of young people whose pricing is on estimate.

***Non navigating minors (7-11):

Minor from 7 to 11 years placed in the middle of a canoe of 3 or 4 places.
(Attention: minors must be accompanied by their legal guardian)
This pricing does not apply to groups composed mainly of young people whose pricing is on estimate.